Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hey Sugar Sugar...

So here's the number one misconception about Type 1 can't eat sugar. Though we are not okay with our kids inhaling every sugary substance they can get their hands on we allow treats and aren't over the top restrictive. Since our oldest daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 I can't even count the number of people that have assumed all she has to do is quit eating sugar.
When she was diagnosed I can't say my thoughts weren't all that different. Therefore I can't fault anyone who doesn't know. We make it a habit though to take every opportunity to educate people and nearly every time we have been met with "wow, I had no idea!" So today we debunk the myth. The reason for this myth is because Type 2 Diabetes can be controlled by diet and exercise (with a lot of work). Since Type 1 and  Type 2 share the Diabetes label many assume they are the same. They really aren't it's like apples and oranges, they're both fruits but not close to the same.
Type 1 Diabetes is not controllable by diet! I know it's hard to believe but it isn't, not even close. No matter what a Type 1 Diabetic eats they will always need insulin. To be fair a Type 1 Diabetic may need less insulin depending on what they eat and the amount of insulin needed is different for everyone.
Exercise is also a factor, exercising causes the body to be more sensitive to insulin. This simply means that the same amount of insulin taken while not exercising may act differently during or after exercise. For my daughter this means that she needs to have a higher blood glucose level prior to exercise so her blood glucose levels do not go low during exercise or she can supplement her sugar during exercise. The other catch here is that there is no consistency in other words what works today may not work tomorrow.
So there it is myth debunked; Type 1 Diabetics can eat everything anyone else can(of course a healthy diet is best for everyone) they just have to count the Carbs and take enough insulin to cover them AND Type 1 Diabetics can exercise they just have to be aware of their blood glucose levels so they don't experience low blood sugar.


  1. Hey there,

    Agave Nectar is a great sweetener for those who suffer from diabetes. It doesn't require the use of insulin to break it down, therefore it doesn't mess with the blood's sugar level.

    Throughout the years I have witnessed how diet can improve the diabetic condition and in some cases, the use of insulin can be eliminated altogether.

    1. Thank you for your response however I must say that through speaking with numerous doctors and health care professionals I have yet to come across one that would agree (or advise) that diet and exercise can eliminate the use of insulin in a Type 1 Diabetic. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease that attacks the beta cells in the pancreas, the beta cells create insulin which help breakdown glucose, if there are no beta cells there is no insulin , if there is no insulin a type 1 diabetic cannot breakdown any glucose whatsoever without taking insulin.
      For Type 2 Diabetics however diet and exercise can make all the difference, there are many cases where an individual with Type 2 has brought their A1C levels down low enough to be considered no longer Diabetic or no longer in need of medication.
      Though Agave is considered a natural sweetener it does contain fructose and has 16 carbohydrates per serving which, for a Type 1 Diabetic this would still have to be covered with insulin. Fructose does have an effect on blood sugar though it is said to cause a gradual increase as opposed to glucose which causes a fairly quick spike.
